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Maxime Boidy, Marie Fabre, Alice Leroy
Laboratoire italien. Politique et société, n°31/2023
Gênes 2001. Histoires, mémoires et futurs d'un événement politique
Genoa 2001. Narratives, memories and perspectives of a political event
The twelve contributions in this Laboratoire italien issue examine the record of the Genoa G8 counter-summit in July 2001, twenty years after its ferocious repression by the Italian police, by cross-referencing perspectives from social sciences, literary studies, oral narrative, film studies and visual studies.

Patricia Gaborik, Stéphanie Lanfranchi, Élise Varcin
Laboratoire italien. politique et société, n°30/2023
Mussolini in Arte / Arte in Mussolini Perspectives italiennes et internationales
Mussolini in Arte / Arte in Mussolin iItalian and International Perspectives
In the wake of the recent publications on the centrality of culture in the Fascist totalitarian project, this issue examines Mussolini's relationship to the arts and vice versa more specifically, probing the aesthetic and political aspects of representations of the "duce" – both in Italy and in their circulation abroad.

Laurence Cossu- Beaumont, Jean-Yves Mollier
Deux agents littéraires dans le siècle américain
Two Literary Agents in the American Century
William et Jenny Bradley, passeurs culturels transatlantiques
William and Jenny Bradley, Transatlantic Cultural Passeurs
Métamorphoses du livre
William and Jenny Bradley were the first professional literary agents in France and became the key players in literary exchanges between France and the United States. This study, rooted in previously unexplored archival material, recounts the lesser-known story of a French-American couple.

Marc André
Une prison pour mémoire
Montluc, de 1944 à nos jours
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
When it was liberated in 1944, the prison of Montluc became a crucible of distinct experiences : site of memory, place of detention, and place of repression for anticolonialist militants. Transformed into an echo chamber, it fostered numerous instances of solidarity. Discovering them helps alleviate the memorial conflicts.

Enrico Mattioda
Laboratoire italien. Politique et société, n°24/2020
Écritures de la déportation
Deportation literature
The aim of this issue of Laboratoire italien is to consider the narratives of men and women who comment their experiences of the Nazi extermination and concentration camps. They have built a shared cultural memory that has today been brought into question through the rhetorical instruments of the post-truth era.